10th September

A washout of a morning precluded any serious coverage of the land and limited seawatching to the extent that no more than singles of Balearic Shearwater, Arctic Skua and Sandwich Tern were spotted passing in the murk off the Bill. The land did get limited looks during a brighter afternoon when a handful of phylloscs and singles of Snipe, Turtle Dove, Whinchat, Pied Flycatcher and Spotted Flycatcher surfaced at the Bill. Ferrybridge fared better, with 12 Bar-tailed Godwits, 3 Sanderling, 3 Curlew Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull showed up amongst decent numbers of commoner fare.

The moth-traps were far too blown out to have expected much of a catch and the immigrant total didn't even make 10 individuals out of the 5 traps at the Obs.

After a slight lull in sightings Yellow-legged Gulls have been featuring again in recent days; this one, posing with a Lesser Black-back, was at Ferrybridge this afternoon © Martin Cade:

...whilst another was present there on Thursday © Pete Saunders:

And even without many birds Ferrybridge was looking great at sunset © Joe Stockwell: